sexta-feira, 21 de setembro de 2012

Death Camp Treblinka: Survivor Stories - BBC 2012

Contada pelos seus dois últimos sobreviventes, a história do terrível campo de Treblinka e da revolta dos prisioneiros que aí se deu.

Dois 'fotogramas' retirados do documentário e que ilustram um dos poucos 'trabalhos' que não era feito pelos prisioneiros:


O livro essencial sobre Treblinka é da escritora Gitta Sereny, Into that Darkness - From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder, Pimlico, 1995 (1ª ed. 1974). 
O livro é construído a partir de 70 horas de entrevistas feitas ao comandante de Treblinka, Franz Stangl, o único comandante de um campo  de extermínio (por oposição a campos mistos - extermínio e trabalho escravo) a ser julgado. Depois de ter sido capturado, em 1968, no Brasil de onde foi extraditado, Stangl foi julgado na Alemanha e condenado a prisão perpétua.

Aqui fica o Epílogo do livro:

"I do not believe that all men are equal, for what we are above all other things is individual and different. But individuality and difference are not only due to the talents we happen to be born with. They depend as much on the extent to which we are allowed to expand in freedom.
There is an as yet ill-defined, little-understood essential core to our being which, given this freedom, comes into its own, almost like birth, and which separates or even liberates us from intrinsic influences, and thereafter determines our moral condut and growth. A moral monster, I believe, is not born, but is produced by interference with this growth. I do not what this core is: mind, spirit, or perhaps a moral force as yet unnamed. But I think that, in the most fundamental sense, the individual personality only exists, is only valid from the moment when it emerges: when, at whatever age (in infancy, if we are lucky), we begin to be in charge of and increasingly responsible for our actions.
Social morality is contingent upon the individual's capacity to make responsible decisions, to make the fundamental choice between right and wrong; this capacity derives from this mysterious core - the very essence of the human person.
This essence, however, cannot come into being or exist in a vacuum. It is deeply vulnerable and profoundly dependet on a climate of life; on freedom in the deepest sense: not license, but freedom to grow: within family, within community within nations, and within human society as a whole. The fact of its existence therefore - the very fact of our existence as valid individuals - is evidence or our interdependence and of our responsability for each other"
Gita Sereny, Into that Darkness - From Mercy Killing to Mass Murder, Pimlico, 1995, p.367.

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